Dealers hijacking the discussions

I’m a very long term member and look at the forums most every day. I’m personally extremely irritated by dealers injecting sales pitches into the discussions which has never really been a problem before. Dealers are biased as it’s the nature of business and this is fine but I don’t go to audiogon to see shameless promotion. There’s one guy in particular that needs to go away. The fact that you’ll all know who it is says volumes about the amount of posting this guy/dealer does on audiogon. Does anyone feel as I do. Just curious.
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Let’s put this all in perspective. I never mind dealer or manufacturer who discloses his interest and comments on his own products or on things of general interest. In fact, it is often very informative and helpful. It is all in the way that they present themselves. For example: 
1-A helpful suggestion, comment on appropriate ancillaries, comment on how to use the products a poster manufactures or sells and many other types of posts by such folks are welcome.
2-A naked shill who invades a thread having nothing to do with his products, talks on and on about himself, his reputation and experience while denigrating others among his ranks and who is out to steer the OP away from the product the OP has clearly decided upon in the hopes that the OP will purchase his products or that others in the thread will learn about his products---not welcome.
If all dealers and manufacturers followed 1 above, this forum would be fabulous. If they followed 2, it would be hell.
Gr4blu what would you learn?

You certaintly would not find out about a possible new and better product than what you are allready considering?

The point is what if  poster x on a forum was introduced to a product they never had thought of and  this product sounded better or saved the OP money you presume  the OP is going to be happy or not?

You cry shill and troll the fact that many people feel that your tireless attacks do not serve  this forum and are in equil bad taste.

The point really should be is the product a valid recomendation that the OP may like? 

Your world is a world were anyone pitching a new idea should be shunned because they dared to do so. 

Many people who are actually shopping for something are oftentimes happy to discover a brand or a propuct they didnt know about.

If you didnt attack us then the response would be brief.
The point really should be is the product a valid recomendation that the OP may like?

The point actually is whether the recommendation is valid (or perhaps 'uncolored' would be a better adjective) due to the fact that your livelihood is selling what you recommend. That is the true elephant in the room. To suggest otherwise is disingenuous.
In my world, I never "shun anyone pitching a new idea". Neither am I so naive that I imagine salesmen are doing so because they only want to help me.
This will be my last post on the subject, Dave.