Which Monitor Speakers to Consider

Hello everyone, I’m finally going to demo some speakers to start my stereo/HT system build. It’s not like going to Best Buy for sure, and I feeling very excited but more anxious as I hope to be able to give useful feedback during the audition. I’ve finally narrowed it down to monitor speakers and perhaps adding a center and using my current Kef subwoofer if bass is needed. My question is given a budget of 10K and perhaps stretching it to 15K, which monitors would you suggest. I enjoy a variety of music from Jazz to blues, rock, indie, R&B and some classical not the grand stuff, just the Yo Yo Ma Bach variety. Based on reviews and local availability I’m leaning towards the SF Evolution, Kef R1, Focal Sopra1, Dali Epicon 2, Dynaudio C1, Wilson Benesch Vertex. As a side note, I need the speakers to have a certain aesthetics so the Harbeths, Nola and Wilson Audio are not contenders. Many thanks.
The single most important consideration when deciding on which high end speaker to buy is the room they will be in. You can spend many thousands of dollars on some wonderful speakers and then station them in a poor listening environment and be completely dissatisfied. Different speakers sound much different in different rooms and there simply is no getting around that. A soft room with a minimal amount of reflective interference is something to strive toward before you even audition any speakers in said room. I have fought this reality for many years and making a listening room the best it can be always seem to come up short where the female or wife factor plays into the equation. Money spent on loud speakers is wasted if the sound studio is not properly treated and very few of us have the ability to make a room in our homes into a worthy sound studio. I enjoy rather high SPLs when I listen yet my room where I am most comfortable is not conducive to loud music and my wife refuses to allow me to make it into a cave designed for listening. The best speakers in this world can't overcome a poorly designed room so spend your money wisely.
Have had my Graham Audio LS 5/9 for a few months now, must say these are wonderful speakers, you can listen for hours without fatigue, but still get lost and lots of detail, I even think they look good without the grills on, mine are the rosewood ones.
I was also looking at a lot of the speakers you are mentioning, but somehow found the Graham’s, a company I did not know much about.
On their website you will find many European reviews of the 5/9.
Curiously I heard the Harbeth 30.1 before the Graham’s, and really wanted to like the 30.1, but somehow they never really worked for me.
Not a new option but one that was well reviewed and I have a favor for even now. Usher BE-718.

Thanks for the suggestions. I have my speakers coming this week.  Picked out SF evolution and Amati center:vox
+1 for the Wilson-Benesch Vertex loudspeakers.  Incredible at any volume.  They are easy to live with.  Striking visually as well.  Yes they are revealing of everything upstream.
Happy hunting