Just to make you feel better, electrostatic speakers, from left to right channel, can vary in output audibly, regardless of slipped panels.
The conditions surrounding the output of the speakers may be more noticeable in his room because of his set up, and or a slight difference in the amp he is using. I am sure that all the astute audiophiles out there know that a slight difference in the bias from one channel to another can effect the sound.
Your best solution as an honest seller is to call Martin Logan, and solicit their help. They can replace panels etc as necessary, and if you tell them your plight they will be very helpful and gracious, and maybe even help in pricing.
Gayle Sanders is one of the good guys, as is the entire team at ML. Knowing you are in a bind will give them some motivation to help as much as possible. Of course they are so helpful you don't need any leverage.
In the interim ask your friend to switch the speaker leads, interconnect cables etc, just to make sure there is no other fundamental flaw in the system. Then tell him that variances in the output are not that uncommon with ESL's anyway.
Good Luck,
Larry R. Staples