Audiophiles should learn from people who created audio

The post linked below should be a mandatory reading for all those audiophiles who spend obscene amounts of money on wires. Can such audiophiles handle the truth?


OP’s referenced article by Mr. Russel is, in my opinion, a well written, well researched, fairly scientific based article. It is all about why basic cable, that meets appropriate impedance, length and connection requirements, is all you need and you can’t expect real improvements in audio quality regardless of how much you spend on "wire-bling."

>>>>No one said it wasn’t well written. So what? Lots of folks can write well. It would be a, you know, Strawman argument, to say that because an article is well written it's correct. Hel-loo! And "fairly scientific" is how it was written to appear to the casual reader. No offense intended. However, I suspect the intended audience is far from scientific OR sophisticated. Again, no offense.

But, like many of these anti-audiophile diatribes that are popping up all over the Internet, it’s not really a "scientific based article" insomuch as it wasn’t peer reviewed or publish per anywhere of any scientific importance other than the fellow’s blog. Hel-loo! But apparently it suffices to appease the insatiable appetite of the roiling natterers and naysayers and audiophile bashers.

Geoff Kait
Machina Dramatica

Post removed 
Why stop on cables ??? maybe all speakers , amplifiers, sources are the same why bother to waste money on expensive components ? Just buy stock cables and cheap hi fi system and you are all set...
I didn’t read Mr. Russell artical and will not bother to do so in the near future because I am sure it’s total bulshit .
All of us in this audiophile hobey knows that every component in our system is extremely important to achieve the sound we are looking for and cables are not exception and are very important
part of our hi-fi system.

The ones that can’t hear difference
between cables will never admit that their hearing is not sensitive enough it’s easier for them to jump to the wrong conclusion that all cables are the same.It’s like trying to explain to color blind person the difference between colors...

There is no point to argue with people that can't hear difference between cables becuse I know that they aren't really audiophiles but just  impostors.