Bryston or Pass Labs

Looking at the bryston 4b3 or the pass labs x-350.8 anyone has heard the two and which is the better performer?
Why are you limiting yourself to those two amp? There are more contenders out there to choose from.
You have a great set of speakers which certainly do not match your current Adcom amp. The new cube series Bryston is very good. Owned a 14sst myself at one time but I don't know if it is at the level of the Pass gear. If you have a chance to listen with your speakers that would be best. Also strongly agree with previous comments on upgrade to better speaker and power cords. Best wishes. 
you own very nice gear, especially, the CJ GAT. There are many audiophiles
who pair a Pass Labs amp w/ the GAT as they are sonic matches. The Bryston could possibly mate well w/ the GAT? At this level of price and performance it is best to audition both products. Keep me posted, I am a big CJ fan. Happy Listening!