Linestage search

I´m looking for a linestage for my EAR 509´s monoblocks.

The input impedance of the 509´s is 25K

My first options are the following:

1. EAR 868 (used)

2. Coincident Statement Linestage (used)

I didn´t have the opportunity to hear any of them, so I would really appreciate advice on the choice.

Thank you all.

Hi Rafael,
Ron Nagle is a reviewer for the Web site Enjoy the
He’s done professional reviews of the EAR 868 and the Coincident Statement Line Stage. I’d think that makes him a pretty rare bird 😊.

Of course it’s just one man’s opinion but he may be able to offer you insight on these two fine components. I believe that he responds to email. Just a thought given that you're not able to audition either of them.
Hi Charles,
I don´t know Ron but I think he may  have a qualified opinion. The fact that he has done both reviews is very important in this case to be able to compare.
 I have to find out how to contact him but I´m going to try.  
Thanks for your useful suggestion 
You are welcome.  You can Google his reviews of both products ànd should be able to contact him via
Good luck, 
I owe you an apology.  Ron Nagle reviewed the EAR 868 but not the Coincident Statement,  my mistake.  The Statement was reviewed by Rick Bricker who is also a reviewer for that site.
Thanks for the clarification Charles
Anyway the reviews are very interesting
Best Regards,