Linestage search

I´m looking for a linestage for my EAR 509´s monoblocks.

The input impedance of the 509´s is 25K

My first options are the following:

1. EAR 868 (used)

2. Coincident Statement Linestage (used)

I didn´t have the opportunity to hear any of them, so I would really appreciate advice on the choice.

Thank you all.

You are welcome.  You can Google his reviews of both products ànd should be able to contact him via
Good luck, 
I owe you an apology.  Ron Nagle reviewed the EAR 868 but not the Coincident Statement,  my mistake.  The Statement was reviewed by Rick Bricker who is also a reviewer for that site.
Thanks for the clarification Charles
Anyway the reviews are very interesting
Best Regards,
I don't know if you are looking for tube only.  I'd highly recommend Ayre k5xeMP linestage. It's sweet sounding.