Are future improvements in Amp/PreAmps slowing to a crawl?

If I watched TV I'd want one that replicated looking through a window, not a portal to a different reality where everything pops and moves in hyper-smooth action. I prefer my stereo to be as realistic.
Ironically there is one term that comes close to describing the experience - realistic (or real).
Reality doesn’t look anything like a modern Samsung TV
This statement tells me which TV NOT to buy. 

You speak as if you are certain of this.
Its not possible (in your opinion) because......why?

uhhhmmm..the time/space 3d reality issue? The molecular energy transfer issue? Thermodynamics? Brownian motion?

I mean, is there any fathomable reason to state my argument from a 3d-timesapce reality standpoint, which is the arena we are operating in here (presumably)?

energy translation from one system to the next, is lossy.

No compensation system can fix that, it can only falsify.

a perfected system of electronic flow, translation, and representation, if perfected as much as can be...... is inherently lossy according to the rules or molecular fundamentals of it’s operation. A perfected system controls that lossy bit’s intrusion into the scenario, as much as is possible... and it ends up as stated. Slightly darker, slightly slower. imperceptibly so.

the problem is that... we can theorize that perfected slightly lossy system, but can’t really get there as the interference or integration problems with the fundamentals that create the distortions all have temporal constraints of one type or multiples of them. Temporal or phase related, they be.

As soon as you have two particles in proximity and in integration of some sort...instead of one particle on it’s own... this is your fate.

I hold these things to be self evident to the electronically and scientifically well trained who might find themselves in the world of audio.

Any other answer would be illiterate, ill informed, or purposely ’off’ for some given reason (openly stated or hidden).

An audiophile, will, of course (some, anyway), throw money at the first ill informed person who ’gives them more’ the arena of more detail. Which is more usually more distortion of some sort. This is how we end up with entire swaths of gear that are incompatibly screechy, and we end up with systems that drive some right out of the given room. Each piece competing with the last to be ’more revealing’.

wizened audiophiles step away from that stuff and look to the item that is more revealing an at the same time more harmonically rich, more warm in complex textures, more subtle in those aspects. Not screechy overly detailed soundstages that only a madman would call musical. Real music is brash and potent,and unbelievably potent in the transient domain. But is almost never ’bright’, if it is a live acoustic instrument. Neither our brains, the musical instrument, or acoustics -is wired that way. Reproductions tend to fail in delivering these subtle time signatures and rich harmonics in micro/macro transient functions and smear those subtleties and get dark and obscuring and at the same time adds noise as an overly in everything it does. Inescapable phase issues and molecular noise. The reality gig pressing itself into the scenario -- an unavoidable carrier of the reality we know..

In the real world, you can stand beside a drum kit that is being played and have an actual conversation. that’s transients, and low distortion, large and wide dynamic range and noise floors. Live acoustic. Reproductions tend to utterly fail at this all important set of related functions. our systems (seldom heard but they have been to a few shows) can do this incredibly difficult set of tricks. Speakers with such low distortion in critical areas (as a set), that a speaker builder type guy borrowed a set, and blew a driver for the first time in his life. He never heard the limit coming. Not even a hint of any familiarity to hang his educated hearing on. One time we were playing a reggae record, with 126db transients. (simple 3 way- living room type space, treated) we sat at the coffee table in front of that....and talked. Not yelled, but talked. This was all approx 20 years ago. But I digress...we’re not ready to sell that to anyone, yet.

 What you seem to describe is just a very complicated feedback and filtering technique.
I just realized there might be some confusion based on your statement.

I want to make it clear when I say that I wanted to remove distortion - I don't mean that I have found a way to literally remove it or "filter out" distortion. The idea of any filter is to catch / remove unwanted things that already exists.

The proper statement should be that I have found a way to prevent distortion from occurring in the first place. I have removed the mechanism needed to create harmonic distortion.

The complicated part is true.

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Thanks, I appreciate your letting me know what I'm doing wrong. I don't want anyone to think that there is actual snake oil under the hood.
Thinking it and Being it are two different things. No-one wants people to think there is snake oil in their stuff. The problem you have is that you refuse to explain your timing theory in any sort of meaningful way that makes sense to anyone with an education. The fact that you have this circuit to do the job for you and at the same time you've not quantified the timing issue is a tale-tale that the circuit either
a) does not exist or
b) does not work as you think or
c) does not work at all and is a fantasy
The reason is that the measurements you need are insanely easy to produce- yet in all the years you've made these claims the proof of your claims have been conspicuously absent.

If you want to not be constantly challenged on forums like this one you have to overcome those shortcomings with something real- not just endless text about nothing. Post some measurements that show how your circuit works where others fail. Its simple and easy.