Are future improvements in Amp/PreAmps slowing to a crawl?

 What you seem to describe is just a very complicated feedback and filtering technique.
I just realized there might be some confusion based on your statement.

I want to make it clear when I say that I wanted to remove distortion - I don't mean that I have found a way to literally remove it or "filter out" distortion. The idea of any filter is to catch / remove unwanted things that already exists.

The proper statement should be that I have found a way to prevent distortion from occurring in the first place. I have removed the mechanism needed to create harmonic distortion.

The complicated part is true.

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Thanks, I appreciate your letting me know what I'm doing wrong. I don't want anyone to think that there is actual snake oil under the hood.
Thinking it and Being it are two different things. No-one wants people to think there is snake oil in their stuff. The problem you have is that you refuse to explain your timing theory in any sort of meaningful way that makes sense to anyone with an education. The fact that you have this circuit to do the job for you and at the same time you've not quantified the timing issue is a tale-tale that the circuit either
a) does not exist or
b) does not work as you think or
c) does not work at all and is a fantasy
The reason is that the measurements you need are insanely easy to produce- yet in all the years you've made these claims the proof of your claims have been conspicuously absent.

If you want to not be constantly challenged on forums like this one you have to overcome those shortcomings with something real- not just endless text about nothing. Post some measurements that show how your circuit works where others fail. Its simple and easy.
Are you listening Bo, Mr. 3d sound? When we can't actually try your product and hear if what you say is true, we need proof. Not endless posts about your awesomeness.
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