Hello Friends,

1. I am from Mumbai, India and am planning to upgrade my present system to the following:-

(a) Speakers - Dynaudio C4s or B&W 800 D3.

(b) Power Amp - Mcintosh 452 or Mcintosh 601 (Monoblocs).

(c) Pre Amp - Mcintosh C 52.

(d) CD Player - SA 8005.

(e) Cables, Power and DAC - Not decided.

(f) Turn Table - In the Future.

2. Please advise me whether I should go for Dynaudio C4 or B&W 800 D3. I have heard both speakers but on different setups as the dealers in Mumbai are different. I liked both but B&Ws are costlier. Also if I choose B&W, should I go for Mcintosh 601 Monoblocs instead of Mcintosh 452 Amp? I listen to Rock, Folk, Country and may be mix of other music.

Thanking You All

T. K. Varghese
The MC452 with the Dynaudio's would be amazing! Dynaudio's are all about power and punch, I remember in there older advertisements they would say "Dynaudio touches you 5,000 times a second! And they have some of the most gorgeous natural sound because of the huge voice coils they use. Try some brighter less darker sounding cables with this combo and all will be well.
Thanks a lot for the advise. Will keep your suggestion in mind while deciding cables.
I owned the C4s with a Mac 402 then the 454( trying both with them)..I say the are not a good match..The Dyns need a faster more controlled amp especially in the lower section,Pass labs comes to mind,Mac is too slow and tubby.Never a fan of any B&W speakers except back in the day when we had fewer options..Just my take.