HT Receiver or High end integrated for music??

Contemplating a new HT receiver for two channel music with an option to add the rears and center for movies. Somthing like an Arcam AVR350, reputed to be superb, but haven't heard it yet. Will the high end integrated still sound better??
Maybe a Plinius 9200 or Cary SLi80 for tubes!

Have owned a variety of separates in the past, but I'm fed up with all the boxes and cables. I have spending money on cables, not one of them has ever been worth the money, and none of them impressed me either. I'm not a HT fanatic like some, I'd give it up for superior 2 channel performance anyday, and movies thru a great 2 channel setup still sound fantastic!!

Any thoughts will be appreciated!!

Thanks to all!
I have upgraded every speaker crossover network because almost all speaker crossover networks are made with the cheapest components. This impacts both the speakers performance/sound and the overall system performance/sound.

NO QUESTION, what it costs for me to upgrade speaker crossover networks is cheaper than 99% of upgrading IC's or PC's and the results ar FAR better too. If you're looking to improve soundstage, imaging, details, 3-dimensionality, blacker/quieter background, and musicality, upgrading speaker crossover networks is a MUST. Also, the beauty of this procedure is that you don't have to ship your speakers anywhere, just the small crossover networks.

Just my .02 cents from personal experience.
Good responses! My only other comment is that a new solution for Home Theater pre/pro and receivers should include coniseration for HDMI 1.3 connectivity and hi def vid and audio. I am unclear that many non-HT receivers have those capabilities at this time.
Vman71? I'd like to know your speakers that you've "upgraded crossovers" on. Any input would be appreciated. Any higher end speaker applications? I've got to figure any competent speaker designer would "specialize" in crossover networks (passive, that is). So, what exactly are you replacing, and on what models? Thx
I ended up with integtated amp with HT pass through and a good receiver for a combined system, this is definetely the way to go. I really enjoy both applications of my "system", although it is in essence two systems.

My speakers are all Klipsch. I just finished a pair of Monitor Audio S6 crossover networks a few weeks ago. If you'd like, I can send you pictures of what their stock crossover looks like and you will see that there is not a single quality cap, resistor or internal wiring. Caps, resistors, and internal wiring is what I nornamlly change out. I don't bother with changing the air & iron core inductors, as the improvements with those parts are very minimal.

I do not change the circuit design in any way. Just by changing out the caps, resistors, and internal wiring, the improvements are nothing short of incredible.

The difference is this:

I had to really focus and listen for any improvements from adding IC's and PC's. I've used brands such as Nirvana, Ridge Street Audio, Acoustic Zen, and Electraglide.


It was just flat out obvious that there were noticeable improvements to the highs, mids, and lows when I upgraded the crossover networks.

One has been to my ears, very obvious and without doubt. The other has been minor and possibly a desired perception because I spend hard earned dollars on.

Last thing, because of the very noticeable improvements from upgrading my speakers crossover networks, I upgraded over 30 parts (caps, diodes, and internal silver wiring) in my CDP. Again, very noticeable results. It's very clear to me that upgrading the internals offer huge potential for improving one's entire system.