looking for the best cd transport only, without dac

I have a Hegel H160 with inbuilt DAC and I'm looking for cd transport recommendation for $1000 or so. I have Harbeth SHL5 + and like an open and transparent sound. I've considered PS Audio PWT and other used options. I'm currently using my $75 Sony bluray player for transport and surprised how good it sounds. I've auditioned transports like Marantz and Cambridge. Options like Primare and Audionote I have't been able to listen to, the latter ones used to get closer to price point. There is also the Oppo 203, but wonder about quality of sound sacrifices in jack of all trades box? When I have compared the few transports I've tried the sound quality differences were quite subtle. So have people here done some serious comparisons of sound quality of just transports and have any great recommendations? Thanks
Belief  me I do own McIntosh system and  hi end cables that cost many times more than the CXC I ordered this transprt from my dealer without listening because at that time I couldn't afford to spend more and I was overwhelmed from it great capabilities from such a cheap gear,In the far future maybe I will upgrade to the CEC TL5 but for now I am very hapy with it.your DAC is much more important at determining the sound signature if the cd transport has low jitter and reliable mechanic drive it's enough you don't need more than that and CXC has it big time.
The Cambridge CXC is a fine transport for the money. All of my CD are played back from my Aurender server which is excellent, but from time - to - time I still enjoy spinning the sliver disc and the CXC does a great job. However, if you have SACD then look for something else. I think you mentioned the Moon 260D, it can be ordered w/o the DAC and would be a fine choice.
I agree with rodge827 regarding the PS Audio PWT. It is a superb sounding transport. I disagree with the idea that transports matter less than the DAC. Both components definitely influence the final sound quality. An upper tier transport will make a significant difference when playing CDs. I wouldn’t cut corners with this vital link. To be clear transports "do" indeed vary in sound quality level. 
Transports don't have a sound of their own. They produce bit perfect digital output and bitperfect is bitperfect. You just want a quiet and sturdy one, and that is all.
That sounds like an absolute statement. Those don't tend to be true.
Notice how I phrased that in a non absolute manner.