Looking for suggestions for a new (to me) pair of high efficiency monitors


I’m looking to change out my Legacy Studio HD monitors for something more efficient. The Legacy’s are fine speakers and have served me well, but you all know the drill—time to try something new for the fun of it after several years..

I presently run a Bob Latino VTA ST120 amp. Not a lot of power, but nice sound for not a lot of $$.

No preamp, Mac-mini running Audivana out to my Bryston DAC, which puts out plenty of signal directly into the VTA 120 to drive to full power.

The Legacy’s are rated at 93 dB at 4ohms I believe—interested in getting opinions for alternative high efficiency and detailed monitors. Lost a fair amount of upper freq hearing over the years, in fact I have to wear hearing aids that help hear above 7khz, so mellow mid- and treble doesn’t do it for me. Even so largely listen to acoustic jazz, vocals and lately a smattering of opera. Rarely rock or full range orchestral. 

Thanks in advance!
Why do you feel that you need high efficient speakers? In your small room with 60 watt amps and your musical tastes I would suggest a LS3/5A type of speaker. Spendor,Harbeth,etc. You can get a new Spendor S3/5R2 within your budget.
BTW, there is a pair of Harbeth P3ESRs listed here for $1600! Also the Spendor S3/5R2 is listed here for $1200!
I'm a huge fan of the LS3/5a, but would they be a good option for the OP if he needs/wants a speaker with a little more forward/up front top end? 

In all honesty, it may be tough to find a speaker at the $1500 price point that will out do the Legacys.
None of the LS3/5a type speakers are efficient. Of the modern incarnations, the Harbeth P3ESR in particular is glorious, and far better than the original. If the OP has little hearing above 7 kHz, no speaker will compensate. He might benefit from some tone control implemented on the MacMini, however. If his audiologist can supply a frequency curve for his hearing ability, he could download that into an equalizer program on the MacMini. But be careful not to destroy the tweeters.
(((No preamp, Mac-mini running Audivana out to my Bryston DAC,))

 I would suggest you try a real analog preamp.
 This will assist you with the ability to grasp the music's nuance to more
 dynamic levels in a new appreciated way.

With regard to the size of your room.
Achieving a smoother in-room bass response with a more sophisticated boxless design speaker worked for me.
After trying 14 pairs of all size monitors on stands  I brought in the Vandersteen 1CI it uses a stepped or multi-enclosure baffle-less enclosure design which more costly types use.
 Listening to Johnny Cash just sounded far more natural, it's easier load, with tube amps made the coherence obvious and compared to these box designs made me say,
what was I thinking? Add in they are an evolution of over 30 years of functional progress and Phase and time correct should at least make you experience them as a contender.
Vandersteen Dealer