Looking for suggestions for a new (to me) pair of high efficiency monitors


I’m looking to change out my Legacy Studio HD monitors for something more efficient. The Legacy’s are fine speakers and have served me well, but you all know the drill—time to try something new for the fun of it after several years..

I presently run a Bob Latino VTA ST120 amp. Not a lot of power, but nice sound for not a lot of $$.

No preamp, Mac-mini running Audivana out to my Bryston DAC, which puts out plenty of signal directly into the VTA 120 to drive to full power.

The Legacy’s are rated at 93 dB at 4ohms I believe—interested in getting opinions for alternative high efficiency and detailed monitors. Lost a fair amount of upper freq hearing over the years, in fact I have to wear hearing aids that help hear above 7khz, so mellow mid- and treble doesn’t do it for me. Even so largely listen to acoustic jazz, vocals and lately a smattering of opera. Rarely rock or full range orchestral. 

Thanks in advance!

Not to disparage low cost speakers but always thought of this line as mass market HT stuff? How do they sound compared to traditional Klipsch Heritage Series Heresy III?
By all means use an LS3/5a type speaker in a small room like this. However, the modern Harbeth P3ESR is much better than the original LS3/5a (I have both).

The BBC monitors I have heard were quite low in efficiency, but, with a 15 ohm impedance they were easy to drive and worked quite well with tube gear with modest output. 

Also, anyone looking for somewhat high efficiency speakers that work well with tube gear has to at least hear Audio Note J and K model speakers. 

The later improved version of the LS3/5a was 11 Ohm. The modern Harbeth P3ESR is 6 Ohm and easy to drive. It likes a bit of power, but cannot handle too much of it. The ones in my 18 sq m study are driven by a 2x100 watt Quad 405-2 and that is fine, but more would be dangerous.

Have not heard those exact models. Similar ones I have heard sounded fine but have not done critical listening. The specs say they should sound pretty good and the efficiency spec in particular jumps out. I’d be willing to give a try at that price. Not much to lose. Just because they are marketed for home theater mainly and not high end audio means nothing.  THey are newer design not old like heritage series.    Would klipsch put out a bad product?   I have Klipsch ear buds and they sound fantastic.     I also have much more expensive Sennheiser phones that also sound very good but cost 5X as much.