Oppo 105 and Hegel H160 DACs


I have my Oppo 105 feeding a Hegel 160 integrated - which I just got and am so far extremely happy with. However, does this combo render the Oppo's Sabre DAC meaningless? Am I hearing just the Hegel's DAC? And is there any way to by-pass the Hegel DAC by, say, running a digital cable from the Hegel to the Oppo to start a loop?

Should I look for a decent transport and move the Oppo to another system? I'm not really interested in getting a streamer or going that route at the moment.

Thank you in advance.
Your Oppo dac becomes passive once connected to your Heggel dac however from my experience bluray/dvd/cdp are lousy transports their inner dac and complex electronic circuits add  noise and jitter. it’s  better to use pure cd transport and good coax cable to allow your dac to perform at its best capability.
This is nonsense. Do you have any noise or jitter measuremtns to back up this claim? You can use the Oppo as an excellent pre amplifier. The DAC inside is first rate.
The answer is it depends.  If your connecting your Oppo with the XLR or RCA outputs into one of the line inputs of the Hegel integrated then your bypassing the builtin DAC on the Hegel.  If your connecting to the Hegel via USB or some other digital input, then your using the Hegel’s builtin DAC. How are you connecting the Oppo to the Hegel? 
Those are analogue, so you are using the Oppo's DAC. If you want to use the Hegel's DAC you have to use the Oppo's digital output into your Hegel's digital input. I would expect the sound to be very similar or identical. However, the hard bit is to do a proper comparison. Apart from the fact that it should really be double blind, you have to make sure that levels are exactly matched (within 0.2 dB). Also, the gain between the analogue output of the Oppo and the analogue input of the Hegel should be properly matched to avoid clipping. If you use the digital connection you may hope that you avoid this issue, provided the internal gain structure of the Hegel is correct.