Triode or Ultra-linear? Why?

Several months ago I added PrimaLuna Prologue Mono-block amps and Preamp to my system. Of course, I keep fiddling with the Triode/Ultra-linear switch, It's so easy since it's on the remote. Can't decide which I enjoy most. Leaning toward triode. What's your experience? 


Tablejockey, thanks for your response. That's exactly where my ears seem to be taking me as well.
+1 @tablejockey , Who describes the trade-off precisely. I prefer the lower distortion of triode, even with the slight reductions at frequency extremes, with my Mesa Baron, for virtually all music except loud rock.  
Ultra linear is supposed to have similar linearity to triode, but in my experience, there is no substitute for actual triodes.
lloydc-I heard the Mesa years ago, isn't there an option to run full pentode as well? 

From what I remember, the Mesa is a fine piece, just like their guitar amps.

I have Triode / Ultra Linear mode switches on my MonoBlocks. I like Triode Mode better. Midrange detail is better. I guess it depends on the speakers you are using do to lower power output.