To respond to Audiotroy's continued lies above. I never never stated that I have a "great system" as he claims I've said. Nor have I or would I say anything to that effect. My system is no better than anyone else's system that works for them. I have also not hijacked a Persona thread as he said. I will quote my post on October 28th on another thread in which Audiotroy accused me of appearing to have an axe to grind against him him:
Your store has good products, indeed many excellent ones. I’m a fan of ATC, T&A, Legacy, KEF, Stiipoints and many others that it appears you may sell. I actually have no ax to grind. Don’t hijack with never ending "educational" and self promoting pablum and biased dealer opinions and we’ll be fine. Just look at posts by Jonathan Carr, Atmasphere, Audioengr, Kevin Deal (Upscale Audio), Albert Porter (Allnic) and countless others whose opinions many of us here value. They don’t come in to threads that have nothing to do with their products and suggest to OPs to try their products as an alternative to the product at hand. I’m sure they have the urge to talk about their very extensive knowledge and experience and cite chapter and verse of how they came to manufacture or sell what they believe to be the best products of their kind. But they don’t. That is why when they speak, we still listen attentively and often learn.
And you don’t have to claim that you have more integrity than other dealers to sell your stuff. It is simply not necessary. Let the products you sell speak for themselves.
Audiotroy has not responded.
Your store has good products, indeed many excellent ones. I’m a fan of ATC, T&A, Legacy, KEF, Stiipoints and many others that it appears you may sell. I actually have no ax to grind. Don’t hijack with never ending "educational" and self promoting pablum and biased dealer opinions and we’ll be fine. Just look at posts by Jonathan Carr, Atmasphere, Audioengr, Kevin Deal (Upscale Audio), Albert Porter (Allnic) and countless others whose opinions many of us here value. They don’t come in to threads that have nothing to do with their products and suggest to OPs to try their products as an alternative to the product at hand. I’m sure they have the urge to talk about their very extensive knowledge and experience and cite chapter and verse of how they came to manufacture or sell what they believe to be the best products of their kind. But they don’t. That is why when they speak, we still listen attentively and often learn.
And you don’t have to claim that you have more integrity than other dealers to sell your stuff. It is simply not necessary. Let the products you sell speak for themselves.
Audiotroy has not responded.