Questions from a Tube Preamp newbie

I have my Rogue RP-5 back from warranty repair and I am loving how it sounds. While at Rogue, they installed 4new JJ 12au7-s tubes. Sounds great. I have some questions.

1. with about 2 hours daily playing, how long do typical preamp tubes last (I have heard Rogue's, like CJ, can be hard on tubes)

2. Do new tubes need broken in? if so, what is normal time frame?

3. Does tube rolling really make a difference on a preamp vs power amp?

4. What is the general concensus on JJ tubes for a preamp? Again, I am really happy with the sound, so I probably won't change. However, I will eventually probably get the itch.

Hi , I have a Rogue RP-1, not as nice  , but some similarities. I replaced the JJ’s after about 10 hours . I use medical grade NOS Telefunkens . I have 3 sets. I started with NOS RCA 12AU7WA tripple mica’s. Nice sound . I have NOS Mullards ECC 82’s , sounds like somebody threw a blanket over my system . Kinda like pushing the Dolby button on a cassette player . I also have 2 pairs of Seimens nickel plates and Amperex Holland . For my taste and in my system the Telefunkens are hands down my favorites . The Seimens are second , very linear and defined , but a little bright on the top . The Amperex are even brighter . Unless I change speakers , I’ll stay with the Telefunkens . I just took a pair out with about 5000 hrs . The Tectronix labels had changed color from the heat . Popped in a new pair and could tell a difference . I feel about 100 hours on the tubes have them settled in . Also I like NOS Tungsram and the E I crossed swords too . So for me , I spend on good NOS Telefunkens and for budget Tungsram . Although the Seimens are pretty sweet . I assume you have a quality power cord ? I also have had good results with Morrow MA5 interconnects, after 600 hrs . As far as Rogue, they tell most people to run Mullards . They even suggested them to my buddy for his 180 mono blocs . I’ve had Hiss Problems too . I just had hiss on one side , so I changed Tubes . I didn’t bother to see if just needed reseating, I just replaced them . Also with four Tubes , if one is gain and one is phase ( ask them ) changing just one tube per side will have a big influence . The JJ’s are cheap and reliable , perfect for mass sales . So happy listening and I’ve babbled enough . Regards , Mike. 
Hi Abery,

1. It really depends upon the preamp and the quality of the tubes.

2. NOT that I have noted, but I am no expert.

3. A tremendous difference. I'd seriously look for some Telefunkens. I can't be sure about the 12AU7's, but I think Telefunken's pretty much own the 12A-whatever family. 6DG8's I tend to prefer Bugle Boys for warmth and Siemens for detail, YMMV.

4. JJ's are likely pretty good for the mostly crappy tubes made today. While most things, like cars, televisions, etc. have improved, I suppose due to low demand tubes have gotten worse, much worse in some cases than the really good older tubes. Mind you, I said really good older tubes, many brands were no better than what you can buy new today.

Hope this helps.
@lous One current tube brand you may want to consider are Genalex Gold Lions sourced from Cryoset. I have yet to find any 12AU7s that work as well in my line stage as the GL’s. besides the fact that they have a neutral, dynamic, open sound, they last a l o n g time!
Unless someone owns the same preamp, recommendations may help, but a different circuit will result in different sound.
I had a preamp that used 12au7 that was meant to stay on 24/7, it has been so long, I can't remember what I was running. But those tubes, in that circuit lasted for years.
I mostly wanted to comment on CJ, the preamps that run 6H30s, I have one a CT5, are easy on these tubes, I just replaced the tubes for the second time, after +7000 hours, and if they had deteriorated, it was so slight as I could not swear to it. The 6H30 is one of those tubes that there are only 3 options. NOS, hard to find, and if you do, a minimum of $250 for a pair, if lucky. The EH gold pins from Cyroset run me about $90, shipping included. I found about 75 hours to settle in. They get a little bright around 50hrs, then by about 75 hrs, they are done.
I used to have a preamp, that used 6CG7/6FQ7, that I rolled at least 10 different tubes through. At that time, almost everyone recommended RCA Cleartops, I found the RCA Blackplates, Toshibas, and the winner to be Mazda. If you can find someone with the same preamp, their advice will be most helpful.
Maybe I am a minority, but after a lot of rolling in two different preamps, I got tired of it. I prefer to listen to music, not tubes. My CT5 makes that easy. No fretting over is there a better choice.