Switch preamp?

I've been an audiophile for over 5 decades and consequently collected a hodgepodge of equipment that I've mixed and matched with a degree of luck. My current listening room system, and most likely my last, consists of AR's (ss) LS10, Krell's KSA 250S, Martin Logan's 13a -- my latest addition and the reason for my question -- and AS Liveline's chord and speaker wire. I listen to most genres equally in CD, vinyl and Tidal.
It is my understanding that electrostat speakers perform best when utilizing tubes. I am not prepared to switch out my Krell but would consider the Audio Research since it's solid state.... and the clicker has gone missing. Ages ago I owned a Conrad Johnson with another system and have fond memories of its mellow sound.
So, does it make sense to replace the AR with tubes spending in the vicinity of $5k in the used market, or do I have a gem and should leave well enough alone? I am happy with the sound but these are my first electrostats and do not know what they're capable of. The closest audio store is 5 hours away so I count on smarter minds than mine to guide me. Thank you.
Whoever told you stats work best w/tubes is nuts. Stats place giant demands on amps w/crazy impedances. Plus they need big volts, not watts. Best amp for stats is a Sanders Magtech. Built esp for them.
A tube preamp would be the way to go. Since you have found memories of Conrad Johnson, why not go with that brand ?
Tube preamps with stats are magical. :)

However, OP, you have one cold system! :)

AR and Krell to my ears are pretty analytical and lack warmth. Maybe consider a CJ preamp if you want something mellower, and juicier. I find they are IDEAL with ESL's.
