To bi-amp B&W 802n or not

I have up graded a system I have had for years by buying a Mcintosh mc252 and a set of B&W 802n.  My question is that I still have an old Carver 1.5t from my old system, should I use it to bi-amp with the mc252 or just get rid of it and bi-wire the speakers.  I was thinking of using the 1.5t for the tweeter / midrange and the mcintosh for the bass.  Let me know your thoughts.

Erik, seriously do you have any experience with N802's?  You give bad advice re this post.  
RH, be a little more specific. Have you ever tried my suggestion?

Almost all true full-range speakers benefit from EQ in the bass, but keeping the EQ out of the mid/treble is often desirable by purists.



Congratulations on your upgrade. While I don’t own 802N but I have some experience with bi-amping my 800D2’s.  As you know, 800D’s is a slightly bigger speaker and best driven with a higher output Amplifier. 

To further add to @rhljazz point, simply adding two separate brand of amps would not yield the desired results. Did you check the gain on these amps? I have tried and failed to achieve desired sound by feeding the bass region of B&W’s with a Class A/B amps in bi-amping mode. The amps were McIntosh 601’s mono. The MC601’s just didn’t had the enough juice to drive down the bass with authority. I tried this with McIntosh MEN crossover in the chain. However, 601’s performed admirably well when they were bi-wired to single speaker. 

If you must bi-amp, try a Class D amp with at least 400W in 4ohm load spec for bass and put MC252 for mid’s and high’s duties. The MC252 is a very clean, detailed sounding amp. It will drive your mid’s and high’s fabulously. I would recommend trying Red Dragon S500 or Bel Canto 600M’s to drive the bass of your 802N. 

If you chose not to bi-amp, then I would suggest the MC252 in a Stereo mode with a one or two subs for desired sound. 

FWIW, I end up pairing my 800D’s with ARC VT-80 and Merrill Audio THOR’s Class D mono’s and I can say unequivocally that my speakers never sounded so good. BTW, I am not using an external crossover. 

Through the whole process, I was patient and knew the kind of sound I am after....the key is to be patient, most people gives up easily 😊

The MC 252 has 250 watts per channel.  This is sufficient power for an N802 for music.  Adding another amp which the OP doesn't have other than the Carver plus a processor or external crossover doesn't guarantee results that would improve upon the MC 252 alone.

DRC,s have their plus and minus issues.  To me they are like a lot of the drugs advertised on TV.  The cure with attendant side effects is worse than the disease.

Proper room placement and room treatments when required are a better option.

Biwiring may or may not be the best option.  I am currently setup biwired but prefer my tube amp single wired with the supplied BW jumpers.  The OP should experiment with with what he has available first.
Biwiring vs Bi-amp vs Singlewire
Since you have everything on hand why not experiment and let your ears decide, its our hobby isn't it?