Are future improvements in Amp/PreAmps slowing to a crawl?

kross_emoji, you are a little slow on the uptake today. The speed of sound is just that, relativistic motion, the speed of acoustic waves relative to the speed of air. Duh! This is what happens when you go to a school that advertises on the back of matchbook covers.
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But the air is still still. It’s not moving. Have you forgotten your argument already? This was Roger Paul’s concept, preserve the relative motion of the acoustic waves and the air in the room, nothing to do with temperature. We don’t care what the temperature is. We don’t care because it’s irrelevant. Even if you want to use some bizarre example like the room is in a NASA wind tunnel and the air is heated to 120 degrees the principle still applies, the speed of sound is the relative motion of acoustic waves through air. It's a timing thing not a temperature thing.

How about a rule that after x posts by a 'Goner on a single question, no more?  How do these people find the time to engage in such pointlessness?

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