Am I an Audiophile, a music lover-or both?

I chose this forum, because it seems, it gets a lot of attention. When I was young, I was more interested in music lyrics more than I am now. Don’t misunderstand-I still listen to lyrics. Certain chord progressions can almost be a religious experience. After all-that’s what music is all about. As I have grown older and have more resources to devote to a sound system,  I find myself gravitating toward more dynamic music. Music makes my system perform. It still has to be in my preferred genres, but I find myself more drawn to that slap of the drum snare. The crisp and clear sounding vocal, the quick and deep bass. I have read some threads, that may suggest I’m not a music lover. Does anyone else experience this and if so, what are we to be referred to as? It’s not that I really care what tag is pinned on me,. I’m loving it no matter what. I think I’ve become more technical minded about the whole experience. Just sayin’.
It’s a tightrope sometimes, because you or I love music, we want it reproduced as convincingly as possible to create an illusion of reality- whatever that is- the studio, the live performance, the band in the room.
Getting caught up in the machinery that makes it work is a common trap- one I’ve fallen into more than a few times- does that make you less of a music lover? No. But, sometimes, I have to accept the fact that a music reproduction system is no substitute for a good live performance. (Some live performances are not good b/c of the performances or the sound).
The boards are usually filled with technical or gear-oriented queries, comments or arguments (in furtherance of knowledge of course, not for the sake of arguing). Construing what "we" are and how we relate to the larger community of audiophiles based on board chats is a little like trying to measure the health and well being of a population by visiting a hospital or mental ward. We’re all here for a reason. :) I think the focus of this board is less about music than the art of reproducing it better. That said, there are some informative threads about good recordings or performances. I can go from Starker on cello to proto metal -- the better my system has become, the more I can enjoy all of it. But, I have also learned to stand back sometimes and enjoy what I have. There is a certain thrill of the chase. That rabbit will keep going as long as you chase it. You find your own balance, as we all do. I have put systems on ice for a while simply b/c i didn’t have the time or energy to deal with hi-fi. That didn’t make me any less of a music lover either.

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I find I wear two hats of audiophile and music lover.  

When I have my audiophile hat on, I am listening to my system, analyzing each component in the chain with the sound quality I am hearing.

When I have my music lover hat on, I am enjoying the music.

I cannot wear both hats at once.

I think what you describe is common amongst us all.  We are drawn into music for the sake of the music.  As we grow up, and acquire the means to create a serious music system, we start to pay attention to what we purchase because we realize and learn about components and how they affect sound quality, and all the choices of components available.

Welcome to the forum.