Power Conditioner Advice please...

I would be grateful for advice from the forum with regard to the following:

My system sounds significantly better in the evening/night than during the day and given that I live in a busy commercial area it would seem likely that I need to clean up the power. 

Ultimately, I will buy an AC regenerator but do not currently have the budget for that. I am therefore looking at a power conditioner and which I hope to buy pre-owned for under $/£1,000.

Given my amps draw a large wattage (peak 400w into 4ohms) I am nervous about placing a conditioner between them and the mains.

The other components:

1.     Auralic Aries - has its own external linear power supply.

2.     DEQX  -  “Nine separate power-supply regulation stages  including four that provide the main analog rails deliver extremely low measured distortion....

Where do you think I would be best to apply any power conditioning?

Any other suggestions welcomed.

Thanks very much

I have ordered the Dectet today and will report back in a week or two. 

I was also helped by the posts above to realise that I needed to make sure that there was nothing else in the power delivery chain which could contribute towards noise/lowering the SQ.

I have therefore also ordered new better quality power cords for all the kit and will replace the standard cables that I have been using.

I will separate the upgrades so that any future readers will gain some relative feedback for the Dectet in isolation. 

@soma70   I look forward to hearing about your experience with the Dectet.  What power cords did you order?
Hey String -  I’m sure you experience is shared by many others. I think if anyone can get a conditioner right then it has to be PS Audio. Did you use any of their products? 
Hey Hifi.

Re cables I just couldn’t bring myself to spend 100’s of clams on wire so bought two of these:


unkown and unbranded but had double shielding and twisted core with deoxit so I figured it should be better than standard. I will use these on digital and pre amp.

For my amps I have bought 3metres of DHLabs Silver Power plus cable off the reel and will add my own connectors.