Audiophiles should learn from people who created audio

The post linked below should be a mandatory reading for all those audiophiles who spend obscene amounts of money on wires. Can such audiophiles handle the truth?

Of course the science of audio reproduction is not the same as the enjoyment of listening to music. Art is not science. Does more accurate reproduction increase the enjoyment? For me, yes, and that is why I have spent quite a bit of money on it, and that is why I am interested in the science and technology behind it. But just as science can tell you little about art, art cannot tell you much about science.
Anyway, as you can see, I have opened a thread on room acoustics. I hope it will help people to make their systems sound a bit closer to what they hear in the concert hall.

Thank you for starting a thread on room acoustics. I believe there is lot of ambiguity in this area and not enough resources to fully understand the complexities of taming and treating the room imperfections. 

I keep an open mind in this crazy hobby and not afraid to try different things to better my experience of enjoying music. And that’s all matters to me at the end of the day! 
One can't help wondering, hmmmm, are most naysayers, tweakaphobes, skeptics and science lovers/protectors of the realm actually engineers and scientists? Or are they primarily English and History majors, or perhaps audio engineers? 

When it comes to protecting the realm, one wonders who might lead the charge for assimilation, if the Borg were on their way here, and who would resist? : )

Of course, one group would want this blindly accomplished and the real irony, which I know you will appreciate, is that it would be the ultimate tweak. : )
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