Step down transformer (220V to 100/110V) or buy 220V version of Shindo preamp

I really need to buy a Shindo preamp. a) Should I go for a original 220V Shindo preamp (harder to obtain, no local Shindo dealer here) or  b) get a 110/100V version from USA/Japan and use a step-down transformer c) Or get the Shindo dealer to alter the 110V to 220V.

1) At this level, is there sound degradation if I use a step down transformer?
2) The Shindo dealer will change the 110V to 220V but it will be done by a US tech not Shindo, I wonder if it will lead to some loss. Since soldering and change of resistor will happen. If that's the case I might just buy the 110V version from him.

Any thoughts on using step down transformer in general, does it lead to sound degradation?
"About sound, if you use a fully balanced transformer, you may actually improve the overall sound quality."

Can you recommend a company in the U.S. That makes such transformers?
Equi Tech is the name most often seen in audiophile circles, not sure if they have step up / step down versions, but worth checking... :)

They are much more expensive than the autotransformer version due to the raw materials involved.

But also use google. I found an interesting link like this one:


Other brands of balanced power include Furman and Tripp Lite, but the latter is usually the inexpensive kind.

There is nothing at all wrong with autotransformers by the way. They just don't have the noise blocking of a fully balanced unit.



I am confused.   why 
step down transformer will degraded sound if my source power come from $6000 USD power conditioner?

do I still need noise blocking of a fully balanced unit?