Charles, thank you for your characteristically sage commentary.
Inna, obviously there are countless audiophiles who use tube power amps with fine results, and obviously there are countless audiophiles who use solid state preamps with fine results. And typically a solid state preamp will have no problems driving a tube power amp. So it seems to me that the question should not be what is the rationale for combining the two, it should be what is the rationale for describing such a pairing as "BS."
-- Al
Inna 11-13-2017
What is the rationale to have solid state phono or/and line preamp and tube amp ?
... I can't think of any top amp designer who would do this BS. Not many roads lead to Rome, just a few, don't fool yourselves.
Inna, obviously there are countless audiophiles who use tube power amps with fine results, and obviously there are countless audiophiles who use solid state preamps with fine results. And typically a solid state preamp will have no problems driving a tube power amp. So it seems to me that the question should not be what is the rationale for combining the two, it should be what is the rationale for describing such a pairing as "BS."
-- Al