Does a new cd transport require break-in time?

I just ordered a new Cambridge CXC transport to go along with  Gungy DAC.
Does it require any break-in time?
Rvpiano 11-12-2017
I don’t understand why the Gungnir doesn’t sound better with the Cambridge. I thought it would. Maybe it is a question of break in. Shrill is perhaps too strong a word for the problem with the sound. It just seems lacking in fullness.

Rvpiano 11-13-2017
Interestingly, the Cambridge really sounds great with the old Theta DS Pro Prime DAC — full-bodied and detailed. It should sound even better with the Gungy. But it sounds too analytical and cold, without depth.
A possible explanation might relate to the fact that the impedance of the CXC’s coaxial S/PDIF output is specified as "< 75 ohms." That is a strange specification. Ideally the impedance should be 75 ohms +/- some very tight tolerance, not "less than 75 ohms," which is what "<" denotes.

It is common for a manufacturer to not indicate a +/- tolerance, but in most cases what is stated is simply "75 ohms," not "< 75 ohms."

If in fact the impedance is substantially less than 75 ohms the resulting sonics can be expected to have considerable variation depending on the happenstance of the design of the DAC and probably also on the length and other characteristics of the cable that is being used.

You might want to contact Cambridge Audio and ask them **how much less** than 75 ohms the impedance is.

Good luck. Regards,
-- Al


As usual, thanks for the help.
I’ll call Cambridge and try to find out.

I don’t think the impedance is the problem here.CXC specifications mention that the impedance is around 75 ohms but not beyound that ,I know it's strange to quote it this way but the bottom line is that the impedance is actually 75 ohms.
Unfortunately, Cambridge doesn’t give a phone number in the States to call.
I have to rely on email to get a response.
Even then, they make it difficult to ask a question.  The query won’t even go through if you don’t enter the serial number of your device.
Unfortunately, Cambridge doesn’t give a phone number in the States to call.
I have to rely on email to get a response.
Even then, they make it difficult to ask a question. The query won’t even go through if you don’t enter the serial number of your device.

Does this mean their support communication channel is worse than Schiit?