@shadorne I can, without reservation state that I am a logical, sequential left-brained thinker prone to wanting all things rationally explained, but I know I hear differences in cables burned in or not.
Just because there are such perceived differences, the nature of those differences would not, I suspect matter or apply to hospitals, etc. There are, I'm sure, differences in visual acuity of test equipment (imaging) that would indeed matter to a doctor who is examining an Xray, MRI or mammogram image. I doubt that the qualities that affect my aural perception would be applicable to their desire for more acute visual perception.
Just because there are such perceived differences, the nature of those differences would not, I suspect matter or apply to hospitals, etc. There are, I'm sure, differences in visual acuity of test equipment (imaging) that would indeed matter to a doctor who is examining an Xray, MRI or mammogram image. I doubt that the qualities that affect my aural perception would be applicable to their desire for more acute visual perception.