In case you glossed over, forgot, or simply didn't retain what you read from other threads, audio fuses are rebranded specialty fuses that are used in medical, military, aerospace, and important IT functions, among others. They're called high rupturing fuses. Google it.
Now that they've been around awhile (what, two decades?) some audio makes have specified certain builds and styles (think real hard) like SR who have the factory do it or BeesWax, who go and do it themselves after buying audio fuse stock. Do you honestly believe that SR has their own fuse factory?
And as for your analogy regarding printers and cabling, to call that the same as audio reproduction is both a silly and lazy argument. Not well thought out at all.
All the best,
Now that they've been around awhile (what, two decades?) some audio makes have specified certain builds and styles (think real hard) like SR who have the factory do it or BeesWax, who go and do it themselves after buying audio fuse stock. Do you honestly believe that SR has their own fuse factory?
And as for your analogy regarding printers and cabling, to call that the same as audio reproduction is both a silly and lazy argument. Not well thought out at all.
All the best,