How expensive are best NOS tubes ? And how difficult to find ?

Phono stages, preamps and power amps. Any non-Chinese adequate substitutes? I know that if you have Lamm, Vladimir has a few sets of Russian tubes in stock for each particular unit, and it is not really expensive to retube them. But if you have, say, VAC or CAT or Atma-Sphere and want best longest lasting and most reliable tubes, what then ? Don't ask me why not Chinese, I can't talk about it here except that I don't trust their quality control.
@inna- I do my shopping from my home- known vendors that are reliable, and some I discover along the way. Tubemonger, who I hadn’t dealt with before had never used Genelex EF86 driver tubes (used in the old Quad mono amps) that were flying lead and he and his partner converted them to conventional tube pin socket type. So, I was buying a tube that i knew had never seen any play. And they were cheap. I usually use Brendon at Tube World, but some of my friends have stashes of tubes they’ve bought over the years for equipment that they might no longer even own. (the downside of being too forward looking).
It’s like buying a obscure pressing- the chances of finding it in your local brick and mortar store (and there are very few b&m tube stores) are slim- once you’ve done business with a source for a while-- and there are several, the question is simply whether they have the tube(s) you want. Priority shipment in the US- voila - a couple days max unless you are in a hurry.
Like wine
some amazing stuff for $30 a bottle
andmarginal returns above that...
but drinking $300 stuff is sure fun

i think the ARC approach is prudent given installed base of products vs future sales
but rolling can still improve the product
try a Tung Sol in the power supply for a significant upgrade over factory stock....

I wonder where they at Tube World and Vintage Tube Services get the tubes, they probably do have to chase them around the globe.
Buying a few sets in advance might be difficult and expensive but good idea if you plan to keep what you have for a long time. Kind of like having a supply of NOS blank tapes.
Aren’t we all becoming prehistoric ? It’s a good pre-history, anyway.

One more thing to consider is the tube equipment you are potentially going to buy.  tube manufactures will run the voltages at different levels depending on the use and power they are trying to get. lightly taxed tubes will last significantly longer then tubes run close to their max. Small signal tubes like preamp tubes i've seen last more then a decade. I've pulled tubes out of old military gear that have been used continuously for 50-60 years. its all on how hard they are run and the application. of course original build quality, and that area modern tubes are making great strides.Like others have mentioned.


Andy really is a cool dude and can tell stories about sourcing good stock - that itself is like a global
episode of American Pickers

it does or at least has helped me to build a relationship with a trusted source - Andy for me and start to lay wines into the cellar for drinking later to follow thru on my prior analogy - I have 4 Tube components so I have a few and importantly a path to move along...