Bluesound Vault 2 now or wait for CES2018?

Hello forum,

I have a modest system and am looking for a streaming server, the Bluesound vault 2 fit the bill. I’m wondering if I should wait until CES 2018 to see if there might be a v3 coming out. Any thoughts would be welcome as this seems to be about 2 years old and much has advanced with high res audio.

Waiting for the next thing is a never ending game in this modern world. For such devices I prefer to have my own hard drive externally. Unless you have no way to rip cds on your computer, try a Node2 and hook an external usb drive or have is stream an external NAS drive
If you do not want to invest much, there is also the Chromecast Audio. Will work with a NAS.
buy a used Vault 2 now and enjoy it...there will be a latest and greatest every year for a while in this field...
If you have a good DAC, you can buy a used Node 1 vault, and bypass the Bluesound DAC.
I got my Node 1 on Ebay and use an Ayre Codex for the DAC.
You get all the Bluesound functionality and the higher resolution of the outboard DAC.