How expensive are best NOS tubes ? And how difficult to find ?

Phono stages, preamps and power amps. Any non-Chinese adequate substitutes? I know that if you have Lamm, Vladimir has a few sets of Russian tubes in stock for each particular unit, and it is not really expensive to retube them. But if you have, say, VAC or CAT or Atma-Sphere and want best longest lasting and most reliable tubes, what then ? Don't ask me why not Chinese, I can't talk about it here except that I don't trust their quality control.
One of the reasons why you will find a wide variety of opinions on vintage tubes comes from the fact that most tubes sold as NOS are really just old tubes where the amount of prior use is unknown and wildly variable.  Even when someone has "tested" the tube, that does not say very much as most tube testers can do little more than tell you if a tube is near dead or not (something like the modern Amplitrex tester which tests at full power gives a better picture).

Speaking very generally, many varieties of vintage tubes tend to have a longer life than modern tubes.  Given the high cost of many of the more desirable vintage tubes, the decision on whether to go that route comes down to how much one likes the particular sound of a tube, how much one can budget on replacing tube, how averse to "gambling" on disappointing one is and how hard is your equipment on the tube.  On the last point, some gear run tubes conservatively and certain tubes will last seemingly forever when not driven hard.  With that kind of gear, it makes more sense to splurge on the good stuff.  I have an amp that runs four 348s and four 349s, both of which I can find substitute tube types that cost a tiny fraction of the price of these tubes, but, I don't use the cheaper alternatives because the amp has been running for years with the same tubes (which were probably old when I got the amp).  


larryi makes a good point, and that is why I usually only but from Andy at Vintage Tube Services. He tests every NOS tube extensively on a variety of parameters on testing equipment that he owns that most tube sellers don't own. There are exceptions. I did buy a couple of fantastic Telefunken 6922 tubes from Upscale Audio that were matched (hopefully).

To answer your other question inna, Andy, and other dealers I'm sure, travel to auctions and estate sales etc. to buy lots of tubes that can later be evaluated for sale. Andy was just going to one when I spoke with him a few weeks ago. 

Yes, very good points. I can see that I will have nothing to worry about when it comes to NOS tubes for the phono and preamp. Where you get the tubes is very important. As for the power amps, well, it is going to cost but should be worth it.
Thank you everyone. I think, this thread is helpful for anyone considering a big move into the world of tube electronics.
some tube gear manufacturers have specific sellers/stores they recommend to their customers seeking NOS tubes...

that is exactly how I met Andy at Vintage
i spoke with Glen at Aesthetix about potential tuberolling in my Pandora DAC and Glen sent me to Andy