Which amp is best to drive Magneplanar 1.6's?

I am presently using a McCormack DNA 0.5 REV "B" to drive
the speakers which is very clear but I was wondering what
else is out there that would be better in terms of bass. I'm using a Krell CD player which is known for bass and
is connected directly to the amp. Any suggestions? Thanx.
what about the arcam solo move 2.1? 50 watts per channel in a medium room? Any advice would be greatly appreciated. I am currently using bryston b60 with no issues. My other option is to keep the bryston and add an OPPO dvd player. However, I really liked the idea of the arcam all in one system.
Using a DVM which I know is not the best method, I've never measured more than about 8vac at my speaker terminals. Give it 20% bump for latency and you've got 10vac.....at the peaks. That works out to what.....about 20 watts at 2.2 amps? That is using 4.5 ohms in the calculation.
Double up and add a fudge factor and you've got 50 a side. Double again, JUST to be SURE and 100 a side should 'bout do it.
My amp? ASP500 modules in a PSAudio integrated. 80vdc rail and a claimed 45 amps. One day i'll 'redline' it and see if I can even stand 20 or 25 vac at the speaker terminals. That's gonna be LOUD.

As for sub, I run my panels full range with the cross set for about 35hz. No midbass bloom or wrong sounding 'thump'. I don't change anything between music OR movies.

Also, my panels are 'backwards' Maggies come setup to have the mylar side face the listener and the tweeters on the outer side. I just rotated them in place, putting the pole pieces facing the listener while the tweeters are now 'IN'. This made a dramatic change for the better. Try it and see. You may agree. Years ago, Magnepan CAME the way I now have it and I haven't heard a good reason for the change.
i have the Classe CA400 power amp @200rms per side. With the Audio Research LS 17.
Used a Chord Cobra interconnect between pre & power. Cable suffered a fracture. Now using Synergistic Research Alpha Sterling with XLR's.
The magic seems to have dissapeared
Wonder what went wrong??
Any suggestions/advise