Does a new cd transport require break-in time?

I just ordered a new Cambridge CXC transport to go along with  Gungy DAC.
Does it require any break-in time?
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Well, here’s the latest chapter in the saga of Schiit service.  

They sent me a label which I was supposed to place on the package of the Gungnir Multibit I was returning because it didn’t work.  Very graciously, they offered me a new replacement, even though it was beyond the 15 day return period. So, I carefully placed the label on the package and brought it to a FedEx office.  Schiit said as soon as they received the tracking information from FedEx they would send me a new unit.  I waited a week.  No indication of them sending me anything.  I called and they said there was no evidence I had sent it, even though I followed their instructions implicitly,  
By this time they had received my unit. And, they tell me there’s nothing wrong with it!!  And,what’s more, they couldn’t possibly send me a replacement because of “scratches and gouges” on the old one.  Hardly!! I had just gotten iit.
So, it must have been my imagination that the many times I tried to run it, it was silent. 
Thiis could go back and forth for a long time.

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The package was put in its original carton and packed securely,
i dont think it could have gotten scratched by FedEx.
Schiit still says I didn’t put the proper label on it when I assured them I did.
Its possible that FedEx did screw up by pasting their label over Schiit’s but  Schiit insists I’m at fault.