Researching a new turntable to replace my MMF 5.1.  Looking at the $2k range and considering VPI and SOTA.  Will be matched with a C-J Pv-14L, C-J EV1 and C-J classic 60 into B7W 805N.  Play anything from Kendrick to Dead to Miles.  Any thoughts?

This SOTA comes with a Rega tonearm. If you don’t need VTA adjustment this would be my choice in that price range!
If a Rega style arm is you choice I would opt for the SOTA and install an Audiomods arm at some time.

Audiomods give you the option of a micrometer VTA, so resetting is a breeze. The arm itself is amazing and worth every penny - it’s what Rega arms aspire to be.

But the VPI Scout models look very nice - I would be tempted by them
