Need upgrade from Denon 1520 and better DAC

  Currently running the Denon 1520 CD player as transport and cheap DAC.With the price of upgrading both wouldn't I be better off getting a newer player used or new with much better Dac  at under a grand or look for separates?

look into a Denon CD/SACD player if your enjoy its house sound.
Happy Listening!
Arcam CD37, CDS27 or UDP411.

Cambridge Audio universal player also possible choice.
Denon 3XXX or 5XXX universal players are a possible solution, although have not heard those in long time or compared to current or recent crop of uni players mentioned already. In any case older better Denons could at very least serve as solid universal transport matched with modern DAC.
 Thank you for all your input.I'm leaning toward an Oppo.My Denon 1520 is well built and reliable.I wish I could A-B it with other DAC's and an Oppo and the other's mentioned here.