aerial model 7, both speakers completly smoked

Due to uncontrolled idiot maxing out volume the speakers have ceased to function. The cones still move smoothly when pressed on but no sound comes out at all. The repair person I took them to said the drivers, tweeters and crossovers were smoked.I'm looking for input on replacement parts or someone who could rebuild or repair the the damage.
Wow... and Arials can take a lot of abuse without damage. What amp were you using..and is the amp ok? I am a bit skeptical that you fried EVERYTHING. Is this repair person legitimate ..or is he your next door neighbor? Does your amp and/or speakers have fuses?
Suggest connecting a different set of speakers to your rig(any will do). Sounds like you blew a fuse and not the speaker itself. Do the Aerials have fuses?
There are no fuses that anyone can find.The repair guy is legit.I originaly got his name from boise's only high end stereo shop. I have had good sucess with him before.He says in 25 years of working on stereo equipment he has never seen anything like it before.The crossovers are smoke stained. The insulation is black.He says it looks like they almost caught on fire.We were temoraraly powering them with an old Ampzilla. It is probably dead but have not checked it out. Mercifully the Aerial preamp is ok.The QUESTION is ,if we buy parts from Aerial, it will cost 1,500to 2,000. Is it worth it? Is there a cheaper way with out compromising qualty?
Theres a a pair of Rosewood Aerial 7 on Ebay right now..No bidders and price is low..You can make one nice pair????????