Tekton Double Impacts

Anybody out there heard these??

I have dedicated audio room 14.5x20.5x9 ft.  Currently have Marantz Reference CD/Intergrated paired to Magnepan 1.7's with REL T-7 subs.  For the vast majority of music I love this system.  The only nit pick is that it is lacking/limited in covering say below 35 hz or so.  For the first time actually buzzed the panel with an organ sacd. Bummer.  Thought of upgrading subs to rythmicks but then I will need to high pass the 1.7's.  Really don't want to deal with that approach.

Enter the Double Impacts.  Many interesting things here.  Would certainly have a different set of strengths here.  Dynamics, claimed bottom octave coverage in one package, suspect a good match to current electronics.

I've read all the threads here so we do not need to rehash that.  Just wondering if others out there have FIRST HAND experience with these or other Tekton speakers

Treebeard1, regarding your question about output impedance, it was said earlier in the thread that the three pairs of outputs of the MZ2 (left and right preamp outputs, speaker outputs, and headphone outputs) are wired in parallel for each channel, and the same signal is provided to each of the three corresponding connectors. So the output impedance is 2 ohms regardless of whether the MZ2 is used as a preamp, as a 1 watt (into 4 ohms) power amp, or as a headphone amp.

And it will have no problem driving your Halo A21.

-- Al

Thanks Al. That's exactly what I wanted to hear! I didn't fully understand the previous conversation. 
I auditioned the MZ2 with the standard PS and the 10 with the new. upgraded power supply. They were impressive. Thing is, you can buy the upgraded PS for the MZ2 later for what not much more than the upgrade costs initially. So I was going to buy the standard one and upgrade later if I felt so inclined. Then you basically have a spare PS. Call and talk to Mark if you haven’t done so. I’m sure he can give you some insight and is a wealth of information, and fun to talk to anyway. Plus it looks like they are on sale right now.

I've figured out how to make the DIs look small. Put an Ulf next to it!

Finally got them upstairs last night and in break-in mode. So far, I'm very impressed.
I've used the upgraded LTA power supply and the Vinnie Rossi mini pure DC-4EVR power supply with the MZ2. When using the MZ as a pre amp and the LTA power supply I experienced some noise but it was dead silent with VR power supply. Thanks to Mike at Audio Archon for recommending and selling me the VR power supply. 

Looking forward to your report bullitt, even though I'm quite sure we already know it will be a glowing report as teajay and jeffrey are in love with theirs. Would love to see the DI's next to the Ulfbehrts. Maybe if I stand next to the Ulfberhts I won't look so big!