Duelund CAST-PIO-Ag

OK you cap bypass freaks, and you know who you are, Parts ConneXion has the very top of the line Duelund pure silver in oil CAST caps.... starting at a mere $399 for 0.1uF. About $4,000 / uF:


I have no idea about the sound quality, but I can say, these have to be among the most expensive caps ever made.


Eric, they are quite the bargain due to the sale prices. Those who can afford 'em seem to love 'em. I'll stick with my Mundorf Silver and Oil. Around six or so years ago, I built my crossovers, all the parts were $1500 back then. I imagine if I were to build the same crossovers today, using Dueland parts, $10,000 wouldn't buy all the parts. Sometimes good has to be good enough.


You are right! But also, those companies have two very different sounds. If you love the Mundorf SIO stick with that!  The Duelund won't be better, but it will be different, and you may not even like it. :)


A few years back, I built a passive Duelund speaker XO for my Magnepan 3.6 tweeter/midrange (see system).  I later tried the ,01uF 630V Ag Duelund bypass caps. At the time, I couldn't really hear the difference.

A few years later, I decided to disconnect the bypasses and noticed a slight lack of air and loss of high frequency extension. Back in they went.

I'm not a big fan of silver parts generally, but this convinced me to be more open-minded.

I ended up trying a pair of them in a speaker crossover, and they were not worth it.

The 0.1 Audyn TC however were really great. $20 each.