chakster, 'the original cantilever is way different from any other cantilever...'' This description is not correct . As I mentioned the ''stylus mounting'' is different as can be seen on your picture. My Airy 3 is retiped by Axel with an boron/ Shibata combo while
an new ''rubber donut''( aka suspension) is also provided by drilling an hole at one side of the body. One of the 3 screws on the generator must be loosened in order to get the generator out for
this purpose. I ever started an thread about ''irreparable carts'' and assumed as such ''sealed plastic bodies'' as by Sony XL series and
ZYX. Anyway an retip with a new cantilever/stylus combo should
be possible . BTW according to Axel his Shibata is beter stylus
than ZYX original.
an new ''rubber donut''( aka suspension) is also provided by drilling an hole at one side of the body. One of the 3 screws on the generator must be loosened in order to get the generator out for
this purpose. I ever started an thread about ''irreparable carts'' and assumed as such ''sealed plastic bodies'' as by Sony XL series and
ZYX. Anyway an retip with a new cantilever/stylus combo should
be possible . BTW according to Axel his Shibata is beter stylus
than ZYX original.