While I’m surprised this hasn’t been suggested (or even more overtly insinuated) more often by those in particular who couldn’t care less about the sound of horn speakers, be they hybrids or all-horns, I’d link the love of horn sound to sheer taste and perhaps not least a more conscious and seasoned approach into the reproduction of sound. Horn speakers, certainly all-horns, are in the clear minority compared to the vastness of the direct radiating alternatives, and generally take more effort to get to sound well - both in regards to the implementation with ones remaining setup, as well as the development and final execution of the horns themselves. Most so-called horn speakers though are really hybrids (and I can’t for the life of me fathom why this distinction isn’t carved out more clearly in the discussion of "horn" speakers), and so many may be predominantly referring to the challenging aspects of their reproduction here that commonly comes down to the lack of integration between the horn(s) and direct radiating units. Conversely all-horns can represent a different set of challenges compared to hybrids, that may likely require of the listener to make an even more radical decision based on several factors. The complexity of all this, and all-horns in particular being rather far between, requires a far more selective and, to my mind, seasoned approach in putting together such a system. When some people here refer to their less than favorable impressions of horn sound I’m often brought back to the realization of the above as a sad reminder that many mayn’t have heard a true, carefully developed, assembled and implemented all-horn system. When done right, and I admit this may be something of a rarity, such a system brings you close to a musical event just happening before you, uninhibited and naturally; no talk or thought of "hifi," but simply music in a very pure and emotional form. Lately I’ve been rather disheartened listening to some of the bigger brands horn hybrid solutions that seem to be neither here nor there in their sound. Certainly impressive in some regards, but I’m afraid all to easily (and quite understandably) fueling the thoughts in some as poor representatives of "horn" sound. It’s an industry, alright, and one where "going the distance" in such realms of speaker principle/design is the less sought way.
Does the hearing ability of the individual make any difference in the opinion of horns? It seems like they provide more directional energy thus providing a better experience for those who have lost a little top end or detail in their hearing. I have never owned horns, but the giant horns at audio shows always intrigue me and I would really like to hear them.
While I’m surprised this hasn’t been suggested (or even more overtly insinuated) more often by those in particular who couldn’t care less about the sound of horn speakers, be they hybrids or all-horns, I’d link the love of horn sound to sheer taste and perhaps not least a more conscious and seasoned approach into the reproduction of sound. Horn speakers, certainly all-horns, are in the clear minority compared to the vastness of the direct radiating alternatives, and generally take more effort to get to sound well - both in regards to the implementation with ones remaining setup, as well as the development and final execution of the horns themselves. Most so-called horn speakers though are really hybrids (and I can’t for the life of me fathom why this distinction isn’t carved out more clearly in the discussion of "horn" speakers), and so many may be predominantly referring to the challenging aspects of their reproduction here that commonly comes down to the lack of integration between the horn(s) and direct radiating units. Conversely all-horns can represent a different set of challenges compared to hybrids, that may likely require of the listener to make an even more radical decision based on several factors. The complexity of all this, and all-horns in particular being rather far between, requires a far more selective and, to my mind, seasoned approach in putting together such a system. When some people here refer to their less than favorable impressions of horn sound I’m often brought back to the realization of the above as a sad reminder that many mayn’t have heard a true, carefully developed, assembled and implemented all-horn system. When done right, and I admit this may be something of a rarity, such a system brings you close to a musical event just happening before you, uninhibited and naturally; no talk or thought of "hifi," but simply music in a very pure and emotional form. Lately I’ve been rather disheartened listening to some of the bigger brands horn hybrid solutions that seem to be neither here nor there in their sound. Certainly impressive in some regards, but I’m afraid all to easily (and quite understandably) fueling the thoughts in some as poor representatives of "horn" sound. It’s an industry, alright, and one where "going the distance" in such realms of speaker principle/design is the less sought way.