Michael Fremer's system

Do you agree with his choice ? What would you change ?

I did find it interesting that he made no attempt to explain why things sounded good. They just did. To him. That’s fine for him but not very helpful for his readers. Whatever few are still listening probably do not care either.

Now look though, he like I and many others here are no spring chickens. I doubt he can hear anything above 12khz or so anymore like most everyone. So does that matter?

I didn't get an impression that he liked his rig very much, but he was definitely attached to his turntable. That's the reason, at least one of possible reasons, of why he didn't explain the choices he'd made.
I would not question anyone's hearing without knowing anything.
In fact, I thought he sounded tired of all this audiophile stuff. Understandable. It's very boring doing it every day, especially considering that there are no breakthroughs.
Correct me if I am wrong, but hasn't Fremer complained a couple of times how poor the bass is in his room? You'd think he would fix that.


     Like buying an expensive sports car and only backing it out and back into your cluttered garage.  Get a room! 
     Buy a new house if you have to.  He may be mentally ill.  He's sure not thinking clearly.  What a waste of fine equipment.  Is this a joke video?  
     But, of course, what's the trite refrain we're obligated to say?  Whatever floats your boat?  
     Sorry, Mike, but I believe your boat has sunk.
    WTF?  No!! He's batsh#t crazy. Out of his mind and in serious need of an intervention. Doesn't he have any friends or family that cares about him?    

Just ridiculous,