Whoever disagree with (market) prices assumes some other
''concept '' or theory of value. Say , one assume some ''real value'' different from the (market) prices. As I try to explain with classical economist who distinguished between 'value in use'' and ''value in
exchange '' ( aka prices) . Alas they deed not succeed to formulate any consistent theory of the ''real value''. Except perhaps Ricardo in his ''corn economy'' in which all ''values'' are expressed in terms of corn amounts. So one should be aware what one assume. There is no other economic theory than theory of (market) prices,
''concept '' or theory of value. Say , one assume some ''real value'' different from the (market) prices. As I try to explain with classical economist who distinguished between 'value in use'' and ''value in
exchange '' ( aka prices) . Alas they deed not succeed to formulate any consistent theory of the ''real value''. Except perhaps Ricardo in his ''corn economy'' in which all ''values'' are expressed in terms of corn amounts. So one should be aware what one assume. There is no other economic theory than theory of (market) prices,