For tube sound, which is more important: preamp or power amp?

I have always loved the “tube sound” - warmth, midrange, soundstage. Through the years (since about 1975), I have owned many tube and solid state amps and preamps, in various combinations. Presently, I have a tube amp and a solid state preamp. But like most of you, I am thinking of making changes, again.  Not to cloud the discussion, the specific brands are not important.  I also listen to acoustic music, females vocals, love mini monitors, EL34s, NOS tubes, and don’t care that much about bass.  So you can see that my taste fits the tube sound very well. But I have had systems that are too warm, not enough dynamics or details, and fat in the low end, too.

okay, now to the discussion.  To produce the tube sound, which is more important: the preamp or the power amp?  Let’s talk in general, and (if possible? May not be) not tied to one specific piece/brand/model of equipment.  I know there are exceptions to any general rule.  Not sure if it makes a difference to your comments, but I have no phono and am running line stage only.

As an attempt to prevent the conversation as going in a big tangent, let’s assume equality of price/quality. i.e. not comparing a $10k power amps contribution to a system to that of a $1k preamp.  Let’s also assume that the amp (tube or solid state) can drive the speakers just fine, such that compatibility does not limit the decision. And ignore mono blocks versus stereo amp differences.  

two follow ons: I have  the perception that preamps give you more bang for the buck - meaning that it takes less money to get a great tube preamp compared to a great tube amp.  Agree/disagree? And second, I have never owned a tube dac or CD player, and will assume that tubes in either of these is less critical than in a preamp or power amp. Agree/disagree?

i am interested in your thoughts.

Given the Tektons you have, here are 2 other options to consider. Dennis Had 12 watt SEP (KT 88 tube). Wolf Garcia has praised this amplifier a "few" times 😊😊.
Coincident Dynamo MK II version, 8 watt SEP (el 34 tube).
Yes they’re both lower power amplifiers but would mate well with your Tektons (Lores?) . Overall sound quality would be very good.

I must say however the 845 Sophia Electric mono blocks at that price is a genuine bargain if it’s in good condition.
@danoroo As Charles has stated those Sophia amps will have no trouble at all driving your speakers at 98db sensitivity they were designed to be driven by tubes. And you will find 22 tube watts to sound much more powerful than you might expect. I am driving 93db speakers with 17 tube watts as loud as I could stand to listen no problem. And thanks Charles it was pretty easy actually.  Tube Amp category and sort price low to high, under $2K they really jumped out at me! Good luck danaroo and you really do have tons of options with such easy to drive speakers!
As I am sure you realize amplifier selection ultimately comes down to what type of sound character you want. Different topologies and designs have their own sound and presentation. Generally 100 watt tube amplifiers are push pull and very often class AB.

The 3 amplifier examples I mentioned above are
1Lower powered
2 Pure class A rather than class A/B
3 Single end rather than push pull
Either of these broad categories are capable of providing excellent sound quality. It truly depends on what "you" are seeking.

You are fortunate in the sense that your Tektons allow the use of either type of amplifier. In absolute terms there’s no universal "best" choice. Every listener has some degree of bias (I certainly do) as far as what sounds best, it’s all subjectivity pure and simple.

Its a shame that we can’t hear everything we are interested in before buying but that’s the reality in many situations, so reviews and word of mouth opinions are utilized.

As Jond said you have multiple options available due to your speakers.
I’ll say this, the Sophia Electric mono block 845 SET at that price is honestly a fantastic option to consider. Given my past experience of hearing many speakers and amplifiers I believe that the Tektons/845 mono block pairing would be quite special. Usually a good quality 845 SET amplifier new is going to cost 5 or 6 thousand(minimally) and definitely go up from there. These are no nonsense high voltage  designs that require very robust output transformers, parts and power supplies. This can’t be done cheaply. Sophia Electric makes very good quality amplifiers.
Best of luck,
@ charles1dad

This 845 SET amp can be driven by my Emotiva XSP-1 SS preamp?  The reason I want to use that preamp is because of it's bass management capabilities.  I would like to drive the Tekton Enzo 2.7s with a capable tube power amp while connecting subwoofers to the preamp.  Since I have never used tubes in my system and have no idea what sound characteristics they offer,  I would like to keep my initial foray as economical as possible until I'm certain this the presentation I want.  I appreciate you guys taking time to educate a noob.  Thanks.