About to purchase the Kef LS50W speaker want opinions about set up....

I recently heard the KEF LS50 Wirless speakers and can’t  believe how good they sound. I am looking for a system in my bedroom. My question is, I hear that the kef app is really bad and not worth using, since I have all my music on my computer in Flac, Will the Kef play it? Would I need to purchase an additional streamer, like the bluesound Node 2?

Not sure your post is really appropriate here. For what it's worth, I live in the Phoenix/Scottsdale area, and there is only one place that carries them here...Magnolia.

Then Magolia is your local retailor 
I am surprised that there are no local dealers that sell Kef in your territory.
Scottsaz, the point of my post is to remind the commuity that helping the little guy to survive everyone wins. 

I don't know about you I visited a local Magnolia and was appalled by the lack of knowledge that their young and inexperienced sales staff exhibited.

Do they know if there are ways of making the LS 50's sound better ie accessories or stands?

Do they know how to use and setup a set correctly?

Do they or can they recommend any possible KEF speakers with streaming amplifiers that may be a better longterm investment over the LS 50W?  

For example we can offer a setup up system with a Naim Uniti at $3k plus a set of R 500 for $2,600.00 we sell the package including cables as  a system, and it is indeed better with future upgrades to even better KEF or other brands of speakers with all the sophisticaion and amazing connectivity that Naim brings to the table. 

The point is in the days of impersonal shopping and internet sales isn't it nice visiting a place that actually knows your name and situation and can offer you something more than just a quick purchase?

So perhaps in your case you made the best and only choice, in other areas there are dealers that would love to receive such a call, just saying.

Dave and Troy
Audio Doctor NJ
I am appalled every time I walk there too.  I am not really supportive of that.
My local dealer moved about 40 yards away from Best Buy a few years ago and his business went through the roof. Customers walked out of BB and into his store.He has a staff w/10-40 years of experience that can intelligently answer any audio questions.. They have 6 rooms ranging from entry level to High End. This past year Paradigm gave them Dealer of the year. One plus that most dealers don’t do he’s open on Sunday.