Best cartridge for SME 309

i am considering to get me Avid Sequel Sp TT, and the SME 309 arm. 
Therfor i need a great cartridge for the set up. 
But are the so big difference between the cartridges when it come to what kind of music that i play. 
I want a dynamic sound that is somewhere warm in the sound. 

I use Grado cartridges on my 309 arm. The resonance frequency is a perfect 10 HZ. If you prefer a warm sounding cartridge you won't go wrong with a Grado!
Dear @heidrun: You can mount almost any cartridge in your tonearm. About the warm sound you like, that's a coloration that almost does not exist in live MUSIC, what you listen is the result of the room/system each link ( in that chain ) characteristics and if it's true that the cartridge puts its own signature to the whole room/system sound it's true too that each link contributes with its own " signature ".

Btw, a good cartridge plays the same any kind of music you like it. In a good cartridge design is false what some people says:  " hey, this cartridge is good for jazz but not for classical " or the like.

Regards and enjoy the MUSIC NOT DISTORTIONS,
SHURE ULTRA 500 has it all and fits namely the SME series III perfectly.
Still after thirty years experience and search for the finest cartridge I have listened. Because I have heard and been there, so to speak. One of the very few carts that really sing and shine. Furthermore, it sounds good anywhere, quote by a well known Shure specialist, Dlaloum. Yes I know the SME 309 is somewhat different to my III but I understand what David is talking about. Furthermore, to get the best out of the 500 you need very low total capacitance, input (cable) + inherent capacitance (inside amp). Total of 100 - 150 pF leads you there.  

Best of Luck


A friend of mine has the 309 tonearm with upgraded bearings.  This is a very nice tonearm.  I have heard it with a Lyra Titan i, Transfiguration Orpheus L and Dynavector XX-2 cartridge.  I cannot say how it compares with other arms playing these or any other cartridges except with respect to one aspect of performance with one cartridge--the Orpheus L.  We mounted the same Orpheus L in three different arms on different tables.  The one thing we could actually "measure" is that the Orpheus L tracked a little better in the SME 309 than it did in a Graham Phantom ii arm and a Basis Vector 3 arm (using an old Shure test record with increasing levels of modulation).