Aurender N100h vs. SOtM sms-200 Ultra

In your opinions, which is a better sounding file player, the Aurender N100h or the SOtM sms-200 Ultra? I realize the Aurender is over twice as much, but the fancy Conductor app is not really a big deal to me. I'm just interested in the best USB output to my DAC from an attached SSD.

Thank you.
Lalitk > “…With this level of investment, I would recommend a decent USB cable… “

Blindjim > I second that emotion. To a point.

= = = = =

@Koestner > I'm just interested in the best USB output to my DAC from an attached SSD.

Blindjim > did you mean ‘network’ attached?

In all, I feel you might be missing something here.

Synergy is key in the signal chain. No doubt. However I feel the DAC than the link to it, is more important.

It seems this last note is in flux and wel argued.

The interface your DAC will or must use is instrumental as I’m noticing not every DAC has the same level of file management or support that every one of its various interfaces possesss. Ala, USB does DSD but BNC or AES does not. Optical supports up to 24/96 only, SPDIF however supports 24/192, etc.

Consequently, how the files are gonna get shoved into the converter could now really matter a bunch!! USB is getting a ton of play of late. Although, USB of all the interfaces has the most electrical and signal integrity issues, respectively speaking.

It appears curious to me trying to aboid these USB negative traits via CAT connectivity is superfluous, if you then utilize USB as the sole or predominate interface into a DAC thereafter.

Might then you simply go USB from the jump, and use PC & mobile apps for file management and playback and avoid the whole aspect of adding in or on, these new fairly pricey whiz bang Holy Cow server/renderers.

Aurender tech says as I read it, has addressed USB anomalies quite well.

Not only do we now have to look at which DAC, but which DAC does its best with which interface?

I’m not inclined to really throw down on any DAC which as well forces me to use SPDIF for PCM, another for DSD, another for MQA, this rate or that, , and so on. I’d prefer what ever file server/renderer send everything off of Ethernet via AES, BNC, or Sony Phillips digital interface, TOS, THEN USB and in that order specifically.

I know Aurender has models which as said have elevated the integrity of USB, and will transmit the packets via an interface other than USB. Dunno about the SOTM gizmo.

Also, thus far, and this is too from someone who has yet to hear what an Aurender or SMS Ultra box can do. This seems true as it is being very well received by an awful lot of people who have an awful lot of different audio rigs, and preffs.

I’ve gotten excellent results from PC attached interfaces directly connected to a DAC, avoiding USB completely.

But who knows? Everybody’s trying to make a better mousetrap. Perhaps the SOTM SMS done as much as Aurender on its USB protocol. Again, dunno.

Getting any consensus might be tuff given not too many people try each and every mousetrap being built. Far fewer can afford to, fewer still want to.

If you can somehow arrange a demo, I’d say do that asap! It is your ears which must be satisfied, isn’t it?

This hobby just gets better and better?! Sheesh… lol

Blindjim... you asked if my SSD was a network drive?

It is a 1TB SSD with WAV and FLAC files on it that plugs directly into my Auraliti PK90 file player by USB connection in the rear. It would be used in the same way on the Aurender, or SOtM.

Also my DAC is a Schiit Yggy which has all sorts of inputs, but I just upgraded the USB to Gen 5 input.


USB is not the best chosen protocol in audio. In fact people who create dacs for manufacturers told me that it never should have been chosen.

The biggest problem in 2017 these days are the facts that most digital sources are not able to create diversity in sound.

One of the biggest limitations of USB is the loss of diversity in the middle freq. Even with the Aurender W20, DCS dac and upsampler it was easy to hear the lack in diversity in sound.

Only people who have less knowledge and insight in both sound and music are those who could buy them.

Compare products with an inbuild dac and you will hear how important diversity is in sound. Diversity (layering) in sound is the most important part to create emotion during listening to music.
I went the SMS-200 route based on research on CA, including the above link to Romaz's post. I have the non-ultra SMS-200, and have been very pleased using it with my Gen 5 Yggy. I am sure the Ultra SMS-200 would sound incredible.