Are you Sirius?

Really should have been, "DO you Sirius?" Has anyone found a Sirius(XM) tuner, that provides quality reception/fidelity, through one’s home audio system? Metropolitan(Cleveland, Orlando, Chicago) Blues and Jazz, FM stations, used to be my way of finding new artists. The hick town, in which I currently reside, can’t support one.
@jafant -  Perhaps(one day) they'll figure that out and improve the service, IF those that are affected, call it to their attention.   
Right On! rodman99999

more sats in orbit or extended bandwith for openers.
I miss the old XM Radio.

I loathe...LOATHE!...Sirius!!!

And it's not actually because of the music.  It's for this reason:

As many have experienced, my new car (a Volkswagen Golf, several years ago when it was new), came loaded with a month trial period of Sirius.

I did not ask for this.  I did not want it loaded on my system.  But it was there.

Not having any use for Sirius (I listen to AM, FM and my iphone) I didn't use it and let the trial period expire.

But did Sirius go away.  No it didn't.  Ever since, when I want to switch sources, e.g. from AM to FM as I often do while driving, I have to toggle through the useless Sirius station and since I did not order it, a dialogue box/advertisement comes up telling me "You can order Sirius...."
and I have to press "OK" to get that damned advertisement box away.

This means that EVERY TIME I want to just operate my car radio and switch sources, a pop-up add from Sirius impede the process.  EVERY TIME!  I can not get rid of this damned thing.  I've complained to Volkswagon...nothing helps.

Add to that the internet searching in Sirius reveals that tons of people have been stuck with Sirius, unable to cancel their subscription.

So, yeah, I really, really hate Sirius.

Sirius is like 52 Kbps quality. Basically as bad as youtube or worse. Pointless for serious music listeners but fine for talk show and sports.
The easiest way to cancel Sirius after the paid subscription is to cancel/change your credit card.