Most overrated bands

What are some examples of seriously overrated bands? My candidates are

1. Led Zeppelin
2. Velvet Underground
3. U2
4. Ramones
5. The Who

I agree about Beck - boring pablum. I disagree about dancing though. Look at RHCP - nobody would criticize RHCP as not being artists yet they tear it up at every show. That is showmanship and you can be both an artist and a showman.

Duran Duran weren’t that bad - unlike many teen bands they could play instruments and they actually wrote ALL their material except the David Bowie Fame cover they used to do. Simon Le Bon struggled with his voice on tour as many artists do. And Pink Floyd and Genesis light shows and visual imagery didnt make them bad artists IMHO. Just good showmen.

Benjamin Zander used to tell me, "play sitting on your left cheek of your bum" - which was his way for saying get lively, get out of your comfort zone,  move your body and get inspired because if you are pumped and inspired as a musician then magical things happen.
All I can add is, if Beck is "pablum", I hope that a number of new artists appear who are similarly "vapid."
I've tried hard to appreciate Beck but with limited results.  I just don't get most of what he tries to do musically.    
For clarity, when I say Beck was dancing around on stage, I don't mean merely moving physically, whether in response to the music or in terms of showmanship. (I think stage performers should put on a show, not just stand there like the Grateful Dead or Phish. Boring!) I mean he was literally dancing, like he was on the dance floor. Both his arms straight out, movin' and groovin', like he had a dance partner. That seems appropriate for what a great songwriter I worked with called "body music" (Michael Jackson, Prince, Madonna, whatever)---that's what that music is for. But for anyone who aspires to be taken seriously as a songwriter, which I thought Beck did? Can you imagine John Lennon, Tom Waits, John Hiatt, Leonard Cohen, or Paul Simon, dancing like they are a Vegas entertainer?! Cheesy, man.
My two cents on Beck... I like a lot of his music. I think he has shown signs of brilliance at times. I saw him on ACL a few weeks ago and I found it painful to watch him move around on stage. His showmanship does not seem to be his strong suit.