REL Vs SVS for 2 channel music listening

I have Zu Omen Defs connected to a NuForce STA200 (class a/b) amp. REL has suggested a T9/i

SVS has a cheaper SB-2000 which seems to be closer for half the price

I've read numerous places that REL is way overpriced and SVS is great for music. I am aware of Zu's subs...would like to keep the price under a grand if possible. 

I'm with @contuzzi @ricred1 @crwindy on the JL Audio. More musical.

But likely out of the OP's stated budget unless he/she can score a great deal used.

+1 regarding @crwindy 's post. Less is more. 

Since you seem to be leaning SVS, I second @yogiboy  's recommendation to go with the discontinued SB12 for $400. I'd double up. If you are going with one sub, then the Outlet PB-12Plus in Piano Gloss (with no damage) for $999 is another option.
A last thought on SVS (or any sub)...

Generally, ported’s okay for home theatre but sealed is better for music.
("generally" because there are probably exceptions)

I agree. I've had both. The ported sub was a bit "loose" or sloppy for music. Felt slow as well. Great for action movies where you want to feel the low rumble of a submarine, etc. The sealed unit sounded like more of an extension of the speaker woofer.